
The Center for Complex Conflict recommends these courses, which have proven quite valuable to our community. These powerful courses will equip you and your team to manage, navigate, and thrive in complex public conflicts.

Leadership in Values-Based Conflicts: Going Beyond Negotiation

Most of us are well-trained in negotiation techniques and make good use of them in our day-to-day work. But have you ever come up against a situation where your usual approach didn’t work? Where the other folks just didn’t seem to listen to reason? Where the facts and data simply weren’t persuasive? Where you couldn’t seem to get alignment even though everything looked perfect on paper?

There’s a good chance you may have been missing a key element in that situation because sometimes negotiations are actually values-based conflicts. Those situations need to be treated very differently because if you treat a conflict like a negotiation, you run the very real risk of making the situation worse, despite your best intentions.

Dr. Mark Szabo, MBA, JD, is the founder of the Center for Complex Conflict and the author of the book Fight Different. Drawing on his work, writing, and research on complex conflicts in the energy sector, this presentation will give you an entirely new tool kit for dealing with values-heavy negotiations. You will come away with a new viewpoint and some practical steps you can use right away to navigate the murky world of values-based conflicts, should they arise in your day-to-day.

Highly recommended for leaders, professional advisors, and conflict participants. Each lesson provides an opportunity for self-reflection and application to your current situation, with practical advice you can put to use immediately. Available on the Udemy platform.

Sample Lesson: Why Conflicts are Not Negotiations

Have a look at Lesson Five from Managing Public Conflicts, which explains why complex conflicts are NOT the same as negotiations.

Megaproject Conflicts: Hard Science on Handling the Human Element (SAGA)

Now available exclusively on the SAGA platform, “Megaproject Conflicts: Hard Science on Handling the Human Element” offers the same complex public conflict material tailored specifically to megaproject conflicts in the energy sector.

NOTE: This is only open to SAGA subscribers.